Strange and interesting facts in Tech Part 1

  What's up guys, today we are going to continue with the strange and interesting facts that you didn't know in tech. Trust me, it gets even more interesting. Let's get started:

Fun and interesting facts in tech

1.The Firefox logo isn't a fox

Red Panda

This is a very common misunderstanding. Just because it is called Firefox, people think the logo is a fox.

It is actually a red panda. 

2.The Radio took 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million


You might think this invention would be a big deal due to the time it came out, but it took 38 years for it to reach 50 million listeners.

While the iPod took 3 years to reach the same milestone (😲)

3.People read faster or slower depending on where they read from

Reading book

Not only do you blink less when you’re on a computer but reading from a screen also slows you down.

On average, people read 10% slower from a screen than from paper!

As for the blinking part, did you know that during everyday life, people normally blink at a rate of twenty times per minute?

But put them in front of a computer, and that number drops way down to seven times per minute!

4.The first computer mouse wasn't what you thought

First computer mouse

In 1964, Doug Engelbart invented the first mouse, and it was made out of wood. 

It was rectangular and featured a tiny button at the right. He called it the mouse because the little wire that came out of it reminded him of little rodents.

5.The original Xbox had sound snippets from real space missions

Original xbox home screen

The original Xbox contained actual sound snippets from transmission during the apollo missions.

If you left it on the home screen long enough, you would eventually here whispers and conversations made by the astronauts.

6.The government used PlayStation 3's but not for gaming 

Playstation 3

In 2010, the United States Air Force purchased 1,760 PS3s to build a supercomputer for the Department of Defense.

They used PS3's because it was more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly (they probably kept some to play for themselves)

7.The first online game console was before the year 2000

Dreamcast Online Gaming

Sega Dreamcast was the first 128-bit console to hit the market. It came out in 1999 and was the first console to feature live online gameplay. 

Unfortunately, it was ahead of its time because most internet connections back then were not reliable enough.

8.You are in good hands if your surgeon was a gamer


Oddly enough, surgeons that grew up playing video games more than 3 hours per week make 37% fewer errors!

Not only that, but they also had a 42% faster completion rate when it comes to performing laparoscopic surgery, as well as suturing (finally, something good from gaming).

9.Nasa's Internet speed is 91GB per second


The average household internet speeds are roughly 25 MB per second.

That’s usually fast enough to watch Netflix with no buffer time

And let’s face the fact, if there’s any tech company that would actually make good use of them internet speeds, it’s NASA.

10.Smoking will void your apple Warranty

Smoking near mac

Apple has a “smoking” ban on their computers, meaning if you smoke while using any Apple computer, the warranty becomes void.

That's all for now thanks for reading .Check out my other posts filled with many amazing contents like this one.
